Dental braces are becoming more and more popular in Lithuania. Here are some reasons why patients choose braces instead of traditional braces:

    Kapas are barely noticeable, so adults are not ashamed to wear them. Kapas are comfortable to wear. They do not cause pain, they do not irritate the gums, they do not scratch the cheeks and lips. The treatment with kapa is usually shorter and requires fewer visits to the doctor. When necessary, for example, on special occasions, the kapa can be removed by the patient. People who wear kapa do not have to change their daily habits. They can eat their favorite food and do sports as usual. Teeth straightening with braces does not complicate general oral hygiene.

What is teeth straightening?

Treatment with teeth straightening trays is a modern, convenient and effective solution for teeth straightening. The braces themselves are nearly invisible removable orthodontic appliances made of soft and transparent medical plastic. Braces are designed to straighten teeth and treat irregular bite effectively, comfortably and painlessly. With gentle pressure, they push the teeth into the pre-planned desired position. In order to keep the teeth moving towards their goal, patients have to replace the trays with new ones, usually every two weeks.

Who performs teeth straightening?

At the Mayan dental clinic, teeth straightening is performed by a dentist
Agnė Zabarauskienė
2013-2018 Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, master's degree in dentistry and professional qualification as a dentist. Agnė specializes in aesthetic sealing, constantly improving her knowledge in courses and seminars;
- in 2017 "Replicating the morphology created by nature: Master course in direct anterior restorations";
- 2018 "Innovations in adhesive restorations of anterior teeth" - 2019. "Treatment of patients with abraded teeth using the method of adhesive orthopedic dentistry";
- 2019 "Aesthetic sealing of front teeth - how to apply knowledge in practice, to achieve the best result"; - 2019. "Module 1. Basics of aesthetic sealing"; - 2019. "Practical use of new generation composites for direct restorations: protocol of clinical work, new methodologies and materials"; - 2019. "Module 2. Aesthetic sealing and waxing".

Beautiful and healthy smiles using Ordoline

In our clinic, patients' smiles become beautiful and healthy by using "Ordoline" - a new generation of tooth straightening with graves. Thanks to innovation, digital planning and the integration of numerous orthodontic tools, Ordoline can treat even the most complex cases of crowding and malocclusion. Thus, situations that were difficult to solve with the older generation of teeth straighteners can now be successfully applied to Ordoline. More information about teeth straightening "Ordoline" can be found at www.ordoline.lt.

Grave treatment is simple. Your new smile is just a few steps away!

It is estimated that up to 70% of Lithuanian residents have crooked teeth. Some people experience minor crowding while others have serious bite problems. Many consider crooked teeth or an irregular bite to be merely an aesthetic problem, ignoring the risk of serious health and functional problems that become increasingly difficult to treat over time. Even realizing that after straightening their teeth, they will look more beautiful, gain more self-confidence, and ensure better health and quality of life, many people are reluctant to change their smiles due to the long and unpleasant traditional treatment - metal braces. However, today patients can choose a much more advanced method of teeth straightening - teeth straightening graves.

Step 1.

Consultation and diagnostics. The doctor will examine the current condition of your teeth and bite and perform a dental scan.

Step 2.

Digital treatment plan. The team of experienced "Ordoline" dental technicians and orthodontists will prepare a treatment plan together with your doctor. At your next visit, your doctor will present this plan to you and show you the results you will achieve after completing this treatment.
370 606 04 093
Step 3.

Making graves. "Ordoline" will make and send the graves to your doctor. The doctor will give the grave to you, along with all the necessary instructions.

Step 4.

Treatment. You will wear the caps 22 hours a day and change them as often as your doctor tells you. Once you've finished wearing all of your braces, you'll enjoy your new smile.
  • How long will the treatment last?

    Each treatment case is unique and will depend on your existing dental and bite situation. During the visit, the doctor will assess how long your treatment will last, following the relevant treatment instructions. Patients usually wear the braces for 8 to 20 months.

  • Who is grave treatment suitable for?

    There are no age limits for grave treatment. All adults and young people who have erupted permanent teeth can enjoy a healthy and beautiful smile.

  • Is it true that only mild cases can be treated with graves?

    Previously, graves could only be used to treat mild cases. Ordoline is a new generation teeth straightening solution that includes a wide range of orthodontic tools and 3D planning technology, so Ordoline can solve even the most complex treatment cases. If your case is complicated, additional orthodontic measures can be used in the treatment with graves.

  • Is cupping treatment more expensive than braces treatment?

    Due to the different pricing, cupping treatment may seem more expensive than braces treatment, but this is not necessarily true. During treatment with braces, you will usually only pay for the initial fitting of the braces, and all repeat visits and removal of the braces will cost you extra. So, you will be able to calculate the final price of treatment with braces only after completing the treatment. It is customary to pay the full amount at once for teeth straightening with kapa because the doctor can accurately predict the course, duration and price of kapa treatment. If you are in doubt about the ability to pay the full amount of the treatment immediately, the treatment of graves can become more affordable with the use of a deferred payment service.

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